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UMB will be gone June 30th, 2013
June 12, 2013
8:20 pm
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Stephanie said:

I was starting to wonder when SO would post an update about their new Data plan - considering UMB would be depreciated at the end of this month, I figured they couldn't wait any longer than end of this week.

And sure enough, there's an update! Just not the kind of update we were waiting for:

We regret to notify users that the Data services will be delayed.

The good news is that Browse Feature will continue in its current format until Data service begins later this year.

We apologize to the users who have been patiently waiting for Data Services.

Once we have confirmed the Data launch dates, we will update the website.

Later this year... booo! I was really hoping for news this summer. Ah well! I've lived a year without any data, I can last another few months or however long it takes.

Go away... if you wanted real Data there are 3 telcos ready to rape your wallet... what are you waiting for?

I'll even give you a free SIM card... enjoy paying $0.03/kb....
The only reason you are here on Speakout is because you a poor, so stop the pretentious attitude.

June 13, 2013
6:22 am
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I am staying with speakout because of data if there is no data or ridiculous 10$/100MB I would move to wind 30$ unlimited internet unlimited talk text blah blah

June 13, 2013
10:30 am
Brampton, Ontario
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I just want to know where they're going to price it. I'm being foolishly optomistic that there will be a low cost option.

In my ideal world, it would be true PAYG data. Since they charge $0.25 / minute for voice, maybe $0.25 per... I dunno what. Megabyte?

Failing that, $5.00 / month for something. 500MB? 100MB? 50MB? At $5 per month I'd take it. I just want the option to check mail those rare times I'm not in WiFi range. $5 is my sweet spot.

At $10.00 / month for some kind of 'value plan' I would really have to think about it. That's about my limit, and I have never bothered with UMB because I don't need or want to surf the web on a phone, and it wouldn't include access to email because the ports are blocked.

If they come in at $15 / month, I don't care what they're offering I won't get it. It could be unlimited LTE and I wouldn't get it.

This is why I was hoping they would announce the rates.

June 13, 2013
12:34 pm
Niagara Falls
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Stephanie said:

I just want to know where they're going to price it. I'm being foolishly optomistic that there will be a low cost option.

This is why I was hoping they would announce the rates.

They will announce when the time is right. Until then we all have to wait, speculate, and keep this thread going with guesses as to what will eventually be offered. No one here has a crystal ball

June 13, 2013
7:52 pm
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Using Opera Mini, I can check my local movie showtimes for 53kb. @ $1/mb(wind prices), 53kb would cost 5c to get that info.

Now $1/mb is pretty expensive, but with opera mini, I can get what I need at a reasonable price.

A pay per use would suit me better. 1c/50kb would suit me fine.

June 14, 2013
7:34 am
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Just an observation, but all this assumption about Rogers forcing SO's hand to get rid of UMB doesn't seem to correspond to the messaging here.

"We regret to notify users that the Data services will be delayed."
"We apologize to the users who have been patiently waiting for Data Services."
"We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to improve SpeakOut Wireless’ program."

To me this sounds more like 7-Eleven saying: We know that browsing isn't cutting it anymore and we are improving our service to get with the times. That is in contradiction to the idea that they are being forced to switch to data buckets.

Is it possible that 7-Eleven did some surveys to discover what they think their customers are really looking for and that it's not just a big conspiracy theory to 'get people to buy $100 vouchers and then leave them stranded'?

June 14, 2013
11:12 am
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I agree that it sounds like 7Eleven may have decided to switch to data on its own accord, rather than being "forced" by Rogers. But I still don't see how you can call what they did with their initial data announcement "a conspiracy theory." Look at it logically:

1. Did they know they were moving to data from UMB? Of course.
2. Did they know that in at least one month in advance of their announcement? I would think so.


3. Since they knew they were going to be moving to data, and likely knew it in advance of their April promo, then they clearly advertised their April promo knowing full well that anyone buying a $100 voucher, thinking they would use it for UMB, would be out of luck within a couple of months.

All they would've had to do, to avoid that, would've been to put a note on their promo advertisement saying "Please note that UMB will be phasing out at the end of June, when we will be bringing you a full-featured data plan." The fact they didn't makes it fairly obvious (at least to anyone who understands how corporations work) that they didn't want to spoil the surprise (and incidentally lose out on those $100 signups).

Maybe all the above is true, maybe it isn't, but I'd hardly dismiss the idea as "a conspiracy theory."

Anyway, it's all moot now. We'll see what data plan they come up with.

June 14, 2013
12:18 pm
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I definitely agree that a heads up would have been helpful and that if it was in their power, they should have done that.

If they truly believe that data service is what their customers want, then you might argue that they assumed that those people who topped up would be happy to use their $100 voucher toward the new data service. It's also possible that they're more akin to a chicken with its head cut off, running around making promos, changing services, promising deadlines without the proper business acumen.

I work for a marketing area, and I can assure you that going public with a deadline and then missing it all together is no strategy at all, and is definitely bad for business.

June 15, 2013
3:27 am
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LOL! Did some surveys... yeah right, this is Speakout we're talking about, remeber?

Come on folks. It's Rogers' call one way or another. If Speakout had done marketing research and had a replacement in mind for UMB, they would have just said what it's going to be and what date it will be available instead off all of these false starts and vague statements.

It's only a question of wether Rogers pulled the plug on UMB themselves or if Speakout asked for something else on it's own initiative but Rogers has been flip-flopping on the change so that Speakout is left hanging.

Of course Speakout is not going to come out and say that they don't know what they'll be able to offer because it depends on Rogers. Every re-seller and off-brander tries to maintain some appearence of being it's own product, When you go to the General Tire website, you're not going to see a statement like 'We got some new tires on the way, but we still don't know which discontinued treds from the Continental corporate family will be assigned to us, but we'll let you mkow as soon as we find out"

June 15, 2013
3:43 am
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I for one don't want or need Speakout to "get with the times" and start pushing pricey, high performance options on everyone.

I had no interest in the $10 UMB and certainly don't need any more advanced services.

However I do hope (maybe naively) that there will be pay per use options or something at the $3 or $5 price point in which case I might be willing to try it. Anything adding a penny over $5 to my monthly cell cost is completely out fo the question.

I would ONLY need a little more flexibility than WiFi for the odd time when I really need to check for an e-mail, or to check if an item on Craigslist is still available, or to find out who won Wimbledon in case I'm unable to get out of working that day ... stuff like that 4 or 5 times a month. - basically the equivalent of a spare tire.

June 15, 2013
4:06 am
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then you may want to checkout president choice if you have that in your area.

5 bucks for 100MB so 60 bucks a year and leave 40 bucks for other use(as the top up is at best 100 for 365 days).

the nice thing is they don't have e911 which SO ding 1.25 every month. coverage wise, I believe bell is better than rogers(for my area anyway)

June 15, 2013
4:39 am
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chimpanzee said:

then you may want to checkout president choice if you have that in your area.

5 bucks for 100MB so 60 bucks a year and leave 40 bucks for other use(as the top up is at best 100 for 365 days).

the nice thing is they don't have e911 which SO ding 1.25 every month. coverage wise, I believe bell is better than rogers(for my area anyway)

Ah, but does Presidents Choice also have value plans? Or a local calling area that stretches from Toronto to Niagara? I think they get it back in other ways if you also need some voice time.

June 15, 2013
1:01 pm
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PC Telecom's $5/100MB is an add-on if you are an a monthly plan. It's $10/100MB for anytime rates. Not a great deal if you ask me.

June 15, 2013
7:13 pm
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noop. it can be added to paygo. i used it for a while almost just data

oh they change the term now. u are correct

June 17, 2013
9:32 am
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Just check their website, the plan switching to data has been delayed which is a good new.

"SpeakOut Data Update

We regret to notify users that the Data services will be delayed.

The good news is that Browse Feature will continue in its current format until Data service begins later this year.

We apologize to the users who have been patiently waiting for Data Services.

Once we have confirmed the Data launch dates, we will update the website.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to improve SpeakOut Wireless’ program."

June 17, 2013
10:51 am
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bigboy0723 said:

Just check their website, the plan switching to data has been delayed which is a good new.

Must be the Doppler Effect.

June 19, 2013
1:41 pm
Cold Cash
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SND253 said:

… It's Rogers' call one way or another. If Speakout had done marketing research and had a replacement in mind for UMB, they would have just said what it's going to be and what date it will be available instead off all of these false starts and vague statements.

It's only a question of wether Rogers pulled the plug on UMB themselves or if Speakout asked for something else…

It is much more likely that the new CRTC rules are changing RoBelUs market models and now SO needs to re work their market model as well. There is an aweful lot of flipflop in the whole cell market these days ( consider Verizon wants in to the Canadian market ! ) and I'll bet it continues to flipflop until at least this fall.

Meanwhile, you mean UMB ( which is still data to Roger's network ) is still priced at $5.00/GB on SO and nobody here notices that? I see this as the key point. Even if they boosted UMB to $15 ( as per SMS ) that would still be $7.50/GB. You gotta ask yourself what kind of business model goes from $5/GB to ( e.g. ) $5/100MB and not fall flat on its face???

This will get more interesting rather than less… LOL

June 19, 2013
8:11 pm
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Cold Cash said:

Meanwhile, you mean UMB ( which is still data to Roger's network ) is still priced at $5.00/GB on SO and nobody here notices that? I see this as the key point. Even if they boosted UMB to $15 ( as per SMS ) that would still be $7.50/GB. You gotta ask yourself what kind of business model goes from $5/GB to ( e.g. ) $5/100MB and not fall flat on its face???

$5/GB UMB to $5/100mb/data?

This is comparing apples to oranges. A data plan is not a UMB plan. :facepalm:

Can you show me a DATA plan that is priced anywhere near $5/GB on any of the major networks?

Yes you managed to torque a UMB plan into a data plan, but the Big three will never let that oversight happen again.

It's time to let the fantasy of unlimited data go away and stop flogging SO for being dumb enough to think that people would play nice with their UMB.

And it's not going to be $5/100mb. That will never happen. The big three will never let that happen.

June 20, 2013
11:58 am
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This is comparing apples to oranges. A data plan is not a UMB plan.

Yes you managed to torque a UMB plan into a data plan

The fact that the UMB plan allows most of the apps that I use to work out of the box (no proxy, no hacking) means that I will expect a similar price point. Email, Maps, Toronto Transit apps. I don't want to see my rates doubled just in order to do the things I'm doing now.

June 20, 2013
1:13 pm
Cold Cash
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46jimbo said:

This is comparing apples to oranges. A data plan is not a UMB plan.

Yes you managed to torque a UMB plan into a data plan

The fact that the UMB plan allows most of the apps that I use to work out of the box (no proxy, no hacking) means that I will expect a similar price point. Email, Maps, Toronto Transit apps. I don't want to see my rates doubled just in order to do the things I'm doing now.

Double? Just Double? What the previous poster is telling you is more like 10X higher. And he's playing word games with "data" which is data regardless of how we spin it.

This is why I ( like a lot of us ) am both excited ( hopeful ) and concerned about what SO will do. A false step here could hurt SO and the rest of us SO customers as well.