Voicemail - Incoming Texts (Charged)? | Technical service details | Consumer forum

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Voicemail - Incoming Texts (Charged)?
July 17, 2009
7:03 pm
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
July 15, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hello there,

I am new to the SO phone. I find SO a great deal compared to other PAYGOs in Canada.

I understand that it's 0.5/0.4 cents for incoming text messages. I tested my voicemail and I received a text message prompting me that I got a message. I didn't check *777, but does SO charge the voicemail prompt via text? If so, how can I disable it?

Off topic to the thread, when I got my SO activated, I got $5.00 for free. However, I notice that it's going down quite fast, what is causing this? I only text about 5 - 6 times with 5 - 6 replies and I am already down two bucks!

July 24, 2009
6:38 pm

I'm not sure about the voicemail text message, but I doubt they charge for it. Maybe you can turn it off in the message settings under "info service"? As for the other query they do charge .99 cent a month for 9-11 service.