3:08 pm
June 8, 2010

9:03 am
December 2, 2010

iamdrumming said:
xb0xb0y said:
so if i subscribe to this unlimited browsing, all i have to do is make sure that my prepaid balance is above $10 each month and it's deducted? and i can subscribe/cancel anytime?
anyone know if this will this work with an unlocked blackberry storm?
Yes, it costs $10 per month. Keep in mind that also $1.25 per month is deducted for the 911 fee.
As for your second question, it might be better asking it in the "Phone/Device Specific Issues" forum.
I thought this was the place to ask the question considering all the hardware discussion already in the thread… ???
9:28 am
October 14, 2008

Not necessarily. This forum has evolved into that, but the "Phone/Device Specific" forum is for just that. If someone has a question about a specific device, they should post in that forum. That's the whole idea for that forum, and why it was made.
If might be easier also getting an answer there, than going through 20 pages here.
5:39 am
December 2, 2010

5:53 am
April 22, 2009

To be honest, it confuses me on what formula Speakout uses to debit money.
From what I gathered, Speakout says it takes money out 30 days, but last month, I was debited 29 days after I activated, on January 14th. Speakout seems not to count the activation day, so it takes money from you on the 30th day, and not the the 31st day as I expected. I would assume money would be taken out in 31 day intervals at least 5 times a year, but who knows.
5:31 am
December 2, 2010

7:54 am
April 22, 2009

12:27 pm
October 14, 2008

3:47 pm
December 2, 2010

12:57 am
May 11, 2010

lloo said:
I have a 3GS, my son has a 3G, both phones run firmware 3.1.2, both JB with Blackra1n, neither are carrier unlocked. I followed the instructions as outlined by Glen Lalonde on both phones. The SO data worked fine on the 3GS, it does not work for the 3G, it also gets the PDP error.
Has anyone gotten their 3G working with SO unlimited data?
Yes my rogers 3g is Working now.. after doing the .nz app thing to it ..so far it does a lot of things with browsing I could not do before . It is not working with Google maps for some reason, wont find current location . Geo cache App seems to want to work sort of will try it tomorrow ..news apps with video work somewhat as well as mail push feature using yahoo and gmail also apps like ebay, kijji are working quite well ..have not tried sending pictures using those apps, yet will try that next... lets keep this post active !