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this is a dumb question
October 1, 2010
3:19 pm
Forum Posts: 5
Member Since:
July 29, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

but I seen people use there speakout plan to use the internet on their laptops, is there anyway you can do that with an itouch?

October 1, 2010
6:34 pm
Forum Posts: 1201
Member Since:
April 22, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

That is a good question. The answer is maybe, but not likely practical.

You would need a phone like a Nokia E63 or E71 which has software that can run a wifi hotspot called joiku hotspot. When the Nokia is set up, and the itouch is connected to the Nokia joiku wifi, you input the rogers proxy setting on the itouch, and you can then browse.