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The dealis on!!!
September 1, 2007
3:57 am

I just got home from boozing and in my travels I picked up a free phone from 7/11 with the purchase of $100 of airtime. gonna port over my old number tomorrow morning. I'll let you know how it goes. Hope I don't have to wait until the long weekend is over.
Windsor, ON

September 1, 2007
9:19 am

I've been waiting for this deal!

What kind of phone comes with it?

September 1, 2007
11:39 am

If I purchase a wireless phone from 7-11 can I put my sim card from my Rogers phone or is the 7-11 phone sim locked

September 1, 2007
12:16 pm
Forum Posts: 639
Member Since:
March 31, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The 7-Eleven phones have so far (no guarantees that they won't suddenly change this) all been unlocked except for the 2610.

September 1, 2007
1:00 pm

it came with the nokia 1600

September 1, 2007
1:15 pm

Peter said:

The 7-Eleven phones have so far (no guarantees that they won't suddenly change this) all been unlocked except for the 2610.

Got the 1600 this morning (after a false start - my local 7-11 had the display but claimed they had no phones, so I went to the next 7-11 along the way and they had plenty!). I can confirm the phone is unlocked - put my Fido SIM in and it works fine. The 7-11 SIM also works in my old phone of course, since that's unlocked too.

Just one gripe with the 1600 - the menu highlight is a faint red background which fades in and out, but the text is white! My old eyes have problems reading the highlighted item, which is a bit of a problem! Anyone know if that can be changed? The color scheme edits have no effect.

Also, any way to get my contact numbers from my old SIM into phone memory, to save me having to enter them all? I'll be moving my number across when 7-11 CS wakes up on Tuesday :-0). Meanwhile I'll be using the 1600 on Fido: it's a better phone than the old one!

September 1, 2007
1:48 pm

my sister and i both picked up the 2610 for 25 with purchase of 2 $50 cards each

September 1, 2007
2:31 pm

Just picked up two 1600 phones for "free." The store manager said they'd already sold a dozen so far today!

Anyway the phones work fine. They appear to be unlocked because both of my European SIM cards worked fine in them. Likewise both of the 7-11 SIMs work fine in the 900/1900 Europe/NA phones that we use when travelling. So now we can use the same phones both here and there just by changing SIMs.

September 1, 2007
5:51 pm

I've now been to three (!!) 7-11s and none of them had any phones in stock. The third store was downright rude about it.

September 1, 2007
7:03 pm

I'm having the same problem as toxophile, that blinking red is annoying. I'm gonna call nokia, unless somebody else knows how on here.

toxophile said:
Just one gripe with the 1600 - the menu highlight is a faint red background which fades in and out, but the text is white! My old eyes have problems reading the highlighted item, which is a bit of a problem! Anyone know if that can be changed? The color scheme edits have no effect.

September 1, 2007
7:04 pm

Yeah I went to a the one at 7-eleven and they said deals starts this coming friday.!!! Which locations did u guys went to?

September 1, 2007
7:04 pm

soory , I went to the one in young st and goverson toronto.

September 1, 2007
7:29 pm

Finally found one phone in a pretty nasty part of town. Called ahead to a fourth 7-11, who said that they had lots of phones in stock, but didn't have any of the 1600s when I got there, 15 minutes later. Then I stopped by a FIFTH 7-11, and they had one left.

These guys are seriously disorganized about this sale.

September 2, 2007
11:36 am

guelph-hpleup said:

I'm having the same problem as toxophile, that blinking red is annoying. I'm gonna call nokia, unless somebody else knows how on here.

G-H, Please let us know how you get on!

Ping jutol: I got mine in Oshawa on Wentworth. The Bowmanville store said they had none.

Ping guest: that's franchises for you! Some stores are good, some just suck.

September 2, 2007
3:45 pm

Got my wife a free Nokia 1600 with $100 airtime on the first try! 🙂

Does everyone in BC have to pay GST+PST for it? I did.

September 2, 2007
6:22 pm
Agent Bonaparte

I got the Nokia 1600 with the $100 airtime deal. I went to three different 7-Elevens before I found a store that understood what I wanted. The first store I went to had a poster advertising the $100 airtime deal, but the clerks had no idea where the store manager kept the cell phones! They also told me: "We don't sell too many of these phones." The second store I went to also had the $100 deal poster, but the clerk said: "The deal was over a month ago...." Okay, if a store is gonna advertise a promotion, at least the clerks should know what is going on? The third store I went to didn't have the $100 deal poster, but there was a poster for Virgin Mobile. But I went into the store anyways, and they had a little display of the Speakout cell phones. To my disappointment, there weren't any Nokia 1600 on display. I asked the clerk about the deal and he knew what was going on. I also asked him if there were any Nokia 1600 left. They actually still had a few left. Sneaky, why didn't they put a Nokia 1600 on display? My guess is that since the black and white screen Nokia 1112 costs the same as a colour screen Nokia 1600 ($75.00), most people would want a colour screen over a black and white.

Despite the hassle, I think the Nokia 1600 was worth it. I can hear the person on the line very clearly, and setting up the features was easy to do. I found the 7-Eleven manual that came with the box was much more useful than the Nokia 1600 manual.

My suggestion is that you call around before you enter a 7-Eleven and foolishly leave empty-handed. Also, if you don't see a certain model on display, ask if they still have any left. They might be hiding them!

I bought the cell in Richmond, B.C. at the No.3 Rd and Williams store. I paid $113 ($100 voucher plus $13 GST & PST)for the whole deal. So I assume anyone in BC has to pay both GST & PST for the voucher. I don't know if they tax the cell phone if you purchase a model that costs more than $75.00 dollars.

September 2, 2007
7:57 pm
waiting for sept 1st

Can you pay with CC for cell phone purchase at 7-11?

September 2, 2007
9:33 pm

waiting for sept 1st said:

Can you pay with CC for cell phone purchase at 7-11?

I did! $114 including taxes.

September 3, 2007
8:55 pm

I walked into a 7-11 in Winnipeg and bought 4 $50 refills ($226) and got two 1600s as well, one for my wife and one for my parents.

Then when I got back to the office my wife called to tell me she won a top end Nokia prepaid from Virgin Mobile. Guess I might sell off the other 1600 once I see what the VM phone is like.

September 3, 2007
10:04 pm

I need phone in Vernon BC, None of the 7-11 stores in Vernon have any 1600's.

Can I get Vernon phone number form Kelowna or Vancouver ??

Any suggestions.


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