2:25 am
I still haven't power up my new phone yet. But when I call my new mobile phone number. All I get is a busy signal. Why is that? Shouldn't it give some ringtone, then goto voicemail? So what happens when I actually power up my phone the first time? Does it communicate with the cell tower and register itself as active, and activate the phone number, account, vmb, etc.? Or is my problem with the busy signal something totally different, not related to phone 'never been ON' at all?
Well, I know that when I made my first call with the phone, I was greeted with a welcome message. So the system knows it's a new number / account.
Unfortunately, I never called my number before activating it, so I guess the only way to know is for you to first make a call from the phone, and then call it.
Is there any particular reason why you don't want to call anybody from the phone yet? After all, you could just let the phone ring once and then hang up... just to "activate" it.
4:13 pm
Thank you Peter for your suggestion, I think I'll follow your suggestion, that should do the trick. Initially I just wanted to use my phone only as a message machine, so was thinking didn't even have to turn it on once.
FollowUp/Aside: Called customer service, was told to save/change to a new target 'voice mail box number' from within my mobile menu. All works good now. Thanks again.
I've responded to Michael in the Roaming section. No need for double posting.