12:40 pm
December 2, 2009

Ever wonder how our SpeakOut phone number to be assigned with whatever area code during the activation? Since they have introduced the "self-serve" activation, I always suspect the function of the 5-digit Store code.
Last month I have read a thread posted here... https://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak/7-eleven-rates-and-plans/ottawa-711-stores-closing/page-4/ So I decided to do a little experiment of my own in the GTA. I purchased a $100 airtime voucher and get the 1661 in an Oakville 7-Eleven store. Instead of the using that Store code, I use a Toronto store code instead to activate. The 7-digit Activation code remained the same, however. I was assigned with a phone number, has the 416 area code successfully.
It is handy for many of my contacts living in MIssissauga because they all told me the assigned 289 area code phone numbers are NOT from the Cooksville exchange. Meaning, even a call to Toronto or Markham, for example will become Long Distance! They all need to call customer service to change their numbers to those with the 416 / 647 area code. Some customer service insists that 289 area code phone number is fine with calls to all GTA numbers without LD charge... which is definitely not in all cases.
So to avoid the hassles and helping the people who lives in different neighourhood / needs, I suggest to compile a list of Phone Number Area Codes and the corresponding 5-digit Store Codes in different parts of the country. What do you think?
Thank you for your input.
12:54 pm
December 2, 2009

The first thing in my mind is to verify if the store numbers listed in the 7-Eleven's own Store Locator... http://www.7-eleven.com/Locator.aspx
10:30 pm
December 2, 2009

Thank you for your input too.
I have conducted another experiment with my friend in BC... I shipped out a Toronto-originated SpeakOut SIM to Kelowna. Instead of using the store code 26077, I told him to use a Kelowna store code 25429 instead. He has got a local Kelowna number assigned during the activation.
While it is handy to use the 7-Eleven store locator, there are still people living in the areas without or no longer has any 7-Eleven store. Ottawa, for example, used to have a few including store #24911.