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Is my thinking right?
February 17, 2008
10:17 am

They may have the 6061 that costs $125. There is also the 1112 for $75 which probably was discontinued and replaced by the 1600. 1112 screen is monochrome and I think has less features than 1600.

Phone numbers from 416 and 647 should be the same and only matters to you personally if one has a sequence number that can be easily remembered, something like 647-647-6476. But, I don't think you can find something like that with a Speakout phone unless you are really lucky. 😉

February 17, 2008
10:30 am

Both 416 and 647 are used for Toronto. Both are identical in all aspects in terms of area coverage etc.
The 647 area code was introduced a number of years ago when Toronto ran out 416 numbers.

Advantage of 416 number: None other that someone's perception that an old number is better than an new.

Advantage of 647 number: Less likely to get a recycled number which could result in a lot of unwanted calls for the previous owner of that number.

February 17, 2008
3:59 pm

So I will prefer 647; but won't worry about it a lot.

Thanks guyz.

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