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September 7, 2007
11:30 pm

Thanks for the site - it's much appreciated. I was with Fido, putting up with their 30 day expiry and missing their old plans. Before that I forked over $37 a month to Ma Bell! Now I get by with a tad over $100 a year and better coverage 🙂

September 27, 2007
1:54 am

DITTO! I was with FIDO until I missed my 30-day top up and found your site.
Thanks a 1,000,000.

January 16, 2008
12:05 pm

My contract with Fido ran out in November 07 and I have been looking for a better deal since. This appeals to me and my wallet. Fido is strambling to come up with a better deal to keep me as a customer. I wanted to thank Peter for creating this site and keeping consumers informed.

January 16, 2008
3:39 pm

Thanks Peter for the site.

I was paying average 25 $ a month. Now I will save around 10$ a month thanks to the site.

Keep up the good work and God bless you !

March 19, 2008
8:47 pm

Hi, Peter. Thanks for this site and your other blog. I was searching for the best prepaid wireless plan in Canada when I found your Blog about Speakout by accident, and was intrigued by the really cheap rates, the fact that they last for one year, and the GSM capability.

I bought a Speakout Nokia 1600 during the March special. Just this week, I bought an unlocked Motorola RiIZR Z3, and put in the Speakout SIM card and started using the new phone.

You've done us a wonderful job, Peter, keep it up!!

April 30, 2008
6:57 pm

This has been such a fantastic resource, not only for myself, but also for everyone who asked me all the same questions I had to answer when sourcing the right phone. Thank you for creating this site - it's invaluable!!!

Something I discovered afterwards. After I ported my existing number into their SIM card and plugging into my Palm Treo, I can't access the Voicemail. According to the Customer Service Rep, Voicemail won't work with non-7-11 phones.

Still, it does the job. I'm so happy to have found my answers here, written in layman language! 🙂

April 30, 2008
8:49 pm
Big Ang

Try calling SpeakOut customer service again. You should be able to access it through any cellphone. When I set up my SpeakOut account, I was given a phone number to program into my phone so it can access my voicemail just like a SpeakOut phone.

However, my phone was a Nokia so the commands were the same as the SpeakOut Nokias. They should be able to give you the number, you just have to find out how to make your Treo recognize it as the voicemail number.

May 1, 2008
12:17 pm

I have a Treo 600 which originally came from a US carrier - and voicemail works. I have the local voicemail number set as the first Favourite, and it uses the "1" or "E" key as its speed-dial. There's a note in the "help" that says that "E" can only be used for voicemail.

Depending where you are - you may find a local voicemail number if you check out this thread: