12:31 am
Borne out of the trying to get that $25 🙂 could I make a suggestion for a new forum or posting "format" or whatever? I'm not really sure how it would work but it sure would be nice if there was an organized way for people to post which stores they've visited and found inventory at. Of course, it would mostly be used during "deal" times. Right now, you have to wade through various forums and posts to find out which stores have stock. If it was somehow organized by region, province, city, whatever, I think it would be much easier. And as people post updates, you would be able to see the most current information. The best similiar website I can think of is all those gasprices websites - torontogasprices.com, calgarygasprices.com,
For that matter, people could post their "sales" geographically there too (eg. 613 SIM for sale, 1600 for sale in Calgary, etd).
Anyways, just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. My feelings won't be hurt if it doesn't happen or if I don't win the $25. 🙂
BTW, props to you Peter for setting up this website and forum. It's been a great resource for me trying to figure out the Speakout service. Ok, maybe that was for the $25 😉 but I am being sincere and thought you might want to know that your efforts are appreciated.
Thanks for the feedback 😀
Separating the buying and selling into locations would be easy for the phone exchange forum, as I could simply create sub-forums. However, for selling vouchers, location is irrelevant. It would be useful for selling SIMs though!
As for posting which locations have the deal, that might be easy to code (when I get the time of course). For simplicity, I could just make a simple table with Province, City, Address / Cross streets / Comments as the headers. Then people could submit table entries. There would end up being duplicate entries for stores, but that would be simpler to manage than actually have a list of stores to choose from (I'm not 7-Eleven after all). Thoughts?
8:09 am
Right now, you have to wade through various forums and posts to find out which stores have stock.
Or you could use 7-11's store finder and call a few local stores. The problem with an inventory list here is that it will become out-of-date very quickly. Besides, will store clerks tell you how many of each model they have if you ask?
The reason gasbuddies works is that gas station prices are posted in plain view so people can gather them easily on their daily commute. Also the number of people who use and contribute to those sites is many orders of magnitude more than would be interested in one relatively obscure brand of cellphone service.
BTW, props to you Peter for setting up this website and forum. It's been a great resource for me trying to figure out the Speakout service... I am being sincere and thought you might want to know that your efforts are appreciated.
Hear! Hear!
3:11 pm
How about a features wishlist for SpeakOut? If we get enough responses we could use the data to lobby 7-11.
Someone on another thread mentioned GPRS support.
I'd like to see online account access where I can see a log of all my calls and debits, check my balance and buy airtime using a credit card. A log of calls and charges would probably eliminate a lot of phone calls from people who want to know where all their airtime credits went. The savings on that alone would probably pay for the online access.
Other features that I'd be willing to pay for on a per call basis:
- call forward to another phone number
- voicemail message forward to e-mail (with the message encoded as an MP3.)
(A by-feature poll would let people cast votes for what they consider their most important issues. Does WordPress offer that? phpBB does ;))