11:25 am
January 4, 2015

Wouldn't it be a lot better giving more pertinent information right on the front page of this website? No mention of long distance. No mention of monthly plans. Just focus on the strengths of the Speakout plan which is incoming texting, caller ID/voicemail for voice and Rogers 2way messaging online. Show people how to use their caller ID and voicemail to accept incoming phone calls, how to phone them back through VOIP companies (free) when the have wifi and the importance of using a wifi enabled phone. Also segregate the needs of users into 4 areas:
VOICE incoming and outgoing.
TEXT incoming and outgoing.
Show people that if they use one company for everything its going to cost them many times what it needs to.
Outgoing texts are hampered by that 911 fee so you're only going to get about 100 a year I think. You use that when you don't have Wifi. Incoming voicemail is accessed when you have wifi (Gmail, Freephoneline, others), and caller ID is always free.
When you partner the Speakout plan with wifi, the capabilities are enormous. When you use Rogers 2way messaging, its way better still. Free North American long distance is provided by Gmail and Freephoneline so don't mention Speakout's high rates in that area.
Focus on the free or near free stuff to inspire people to try this plan and read your site more.
I've left out a few things I'm sure.
Text and voice, in and out. 4 areas.
And obviously show people how inexpensive Smartphones with large screens are when a couple or more years old. I don't know how cheap it is to get a normally functioning Smartphone with a 4" or larger screen these days is but it must be more then $50, right? Here's Speakout's page: https://www.speakout7eleven.ca/prepaid-cellphones
There ain't no large screen smartphones there for $50. I've seen lots on Kijiji though. Stress to your readers that Rogers phones are probably the most common on the used market and they work with Speakout. No unlocking necessary.
6:51 pm
April 22, 2009

I agree with what you say, but Speakout is in the business of selling stuff, not in the business of educating people in saving money. Some of the features you are talking about are not easy to articulate to someone that knows little about phones. I believe Speakout is doing just fine with the business they are currently carrying out, and I suspect them not promoting certain features might also have to do with politics and agreements with Rogers.
I recently quit being a Speakout customer, because frankly, their service no longer suits my needs. When that changes, I will be a Speakout customer again.