10:14 am
January 13, 2010

well folks wondering about the 3g thing.
-- my quick story - where I live only 3g will work 2 g won't work - it left me without a phone all of a sudden in the middle of a work week wondering if my phone broke.. nobody would tell the truth.. I missed a medical emergency and am still considering a law suit so this can't happen to someone else--
I called rogers a few times, I called speakout many times about this, they always say they don't know what they are talking about it is a 2g service. I never say anywhere that is says it was a 2 g service, so thats not honest of speakout, but I don't blame them for the mess, only for not being straight forward on the phone and having generic sidesteps typical of faceless companies the globe over. If someone screwed me around like that and stole my money in person I would have the right the restrain them and bring them to jail.
Anyways - so the CRTC just ruled a little in favour of the small telo co's yesterday. Bell and the like way to turn internet into a short supply so they can become even richer corrupt pigs then they already are. See there is no congestion on the net pipes, its a lie ! what they are scared of is we are now using internet for netflxs and calling.
Then internet pipes are extremely huge, paid for long ago, tax money paid for much of it. People in Canada are taken it up the rear by these companies because they have some sort of communist like monopoly on our service because of the corrupt CRTC .. this is set up so only Canadian company can work in Canada.. so we have companies that ALL hardware is made in other countries and MOST phone centres moved to the worlds cheapest countries where people can hardly eat a meal after a 12 hr shift with no workers rights. THIS IS THE NEW CANADA
So I paid $20 for unlimited high speed 10 years ago ! now all companies that sell us internet also sell us phone and cable.. who needs a phone when you have google voice or netflix.. commercial free, its the future and they want to hide it from Canada.
Canada has the highest internet prices in the world, in Asia its 1/20 Th. the cost with dozens of providers in each country. You can get an american sim and save money in Canada ! thats crazy !
SOOOO.... the crtc felt enough pressure to at least help bell and rogers have a bit of a hard time getting rid of the indy providers.. like speak out... it would have been gone if it wasn't for this ruling, but its still a sad state.
Perhaps 3g will come back on your phone.. because at least speak out can pay a flat fee for a certain amount of data now... they are getting ripped by rogers too. don't worry about that.
We need to occupy the internet in Canada - we need to fight these crooks and liars and cheats --- internet pipes are not like a pile of wheat, not at ALL, these companies are finding ways to turn something into a short supply when there isn't.. much like a drug dealer would rather there be a shortage of drugs.. BUT THERE IS NO SHORTAGE -- only a corrupt CRTC and psychopathic companies all across Canada.
Canada is becoming a hell hole from every angle, look around.. we have became sheep.
12:47 pm
March 10, 2010

You are kinda all over the place with your rant. First off, no speakout doesn't specify 2G or 3G, but they ONLY sell 2G phones and they DO say they will only support THEIR phones. So, you are obviously using an unsupported phone. Doesn't work? Nobody's problem but yours.
As for the telecom companies putting data caps on home internet, I agree with you. No coincidence that the whole capping scheme started the day NetFlix was announced in Canada. But, I don't see why that needs to be discussed here.
12:38 pm
April 22, 2009

12:42 pm
October 14, 2008

12:58 pm
April 22, 2009

I look at it another way, we are paying way to much for what we are getting. You look at what other countries are paying for data and voice. We are getting ripped off big time in North America. As an example, you can get unlimited 3G in Europe with none of the foolishness we have to put up with here. Areas in Asia have even better prices. Cost is around $10 to $20 a month.
8:28 pm
November 5, 2011

bridonca said:
I look at it another way, we are paying way to much for what we are getting. You look at what other countries are paying for data and voice. We are getting ripped off big time in North America. As an example, you can get unlimited 3G in Europe with none of the foolishness we have to put up with here. Areas in Asia have even better prices. Cost is around $10 to $20 a month.
Agree completely! The data pipes aren't overloaded, the big wigs pockets are though.
1:35 am
January 5, 2012

I think people are failing to realize the population density plays a huge factor in telecom pricing schemes.
Canada is the second largest country in the world and there are ONLY ~33 million people. That means they have to spend more money on more cell towers to cover the huge area in Canada and they don't have enough people in the country to subscribe. Areas like Europe and Asia and much higher population densities relative to their land mass.
6:42 am
December 30, 2010

6:56 am
May 2, 2009

>>> canadian cell operators have the highest profit margin in the world AFAIK. >>>
As they say on Wikipedia, "citation required". This statement may very well be true, but where is there a table showing the profit margins of all of the worldwide mobile phone operators, where they can be compared? Or, is there some agency or journalist who has _objectively_ collected an analyzed this data and come to this conclusion? I'm not trying to necessarily defend cell phone operators, but the "low population density means higher costs per customer" argument does make some sense.
11:46 am
January 2, 2012

4:58 pm
December 30, 2010

walter_wpg said:
>>> canadian cell operators have the highest profit margin in the world AFAIK. >>>
As they say on Wikipedia, "citation required". This statement may very well be true, but where is there a table showing the profit margins of all of the worldwide mobile phone operators, where they can be compared? Or, is there some agency or journalist who has _objectively_ collected an analyzed this data and come to this conclusion? I'm not trying to necessarily defend cell phone operators, but the "low population density means higher costs per customer" argument does make some sense.
There was another one I read which had a table, I think also from cbc.
here you go
7:08 am
May 2, 2009

Thanks, chimpanzee, that's exactly the kind of backup I was looking for. Although that CBC article is from 2008, things have probably not changed that much.
Given such comfortable profit margins, and the public's seemingly insatiable appetite for newer and shinier phones, every year, it seems like investing a few dollars in the stock of Rogers or Telus might be a way of getting a small slice of that profit pie.