8:19 pm
I'm looking for a referral code. Please e-mail me at rjunk@3web.com
6:41 pm
Hi. Looking to purchase a phone in a couple of days. Would love to get a code from you guys. Thanks
My email is or259@hotmail.com
7:11 pm
Ryan said:
Hi. Looking to purchase a phone in a couple of days. Would love to get a code from you guys. Thanks
My email is or259@hotmail.com
Sent u a code - let me know if u use it
7:58 pm
hi! would like a referral code please and thank you,email is kkli2009@163.com
9:52 pm
kkli said:
hi! would like a referral code please and thank you,email is kkli2009@163.com
sent you one.
please let me know when used.
10:39 pm
November 21, 2008

10:51 am
Hi,any one pl provide me the refferal code,i am new customer,you and myself get $10 free airtime....thanks
10:56 am
smartby said:
Hi,any one pl provide me the refferal code,i am new customer,you and myself get $10 free airtime....thanks
Emailed you a code.
Let me know when you use it.