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Locked or Unlocked?
February 20, 2008
1:51 pm

Is there some way to tell if my Speakout 2610b is locked or not without having another SIM card with which to check?

I have looked through all the relevant forum posts (I hope) & note that some indicate the phone is locked, while other posts indicate that the phone is not locked.

February 20, 2008
3:48 pm

Is there some way to tell if my Speakout 2610b is locked or not without having another SIM card with which to check?

I don't think so.

You could call SO customer service, tell them that you plan to visit the US (where SO Canada SIMs don't work) and you want to know if a SIM you buy there will work in your 2610.

March 7, 2008
12:38 am

Well, it looks like my 2610b is unlocked, despite the info in the FAQ. A friend from Florida visited today & his Cingular SIM in my Speakout 2610b connected to the Rogers network OK. FWIW, his phone with my Speakout SIM connected to Speakout OK too.