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button problem
August 7, 2008
1:14 pm

I have a SO basic phone (no flip or slide), can't recall the model number right now but I just got it in May. The only complaint I have is that it isn't conducive to carrying in a pocket or purse because the buttons are easily pushed. I've often heard the beep beep of button pressing when carrying it in my purse and had to shut it off - but then what's the point, right? People have to leave you v-mail. I've even found a bogus number saved in the contacts! Are there any accessories anyone can recommend that prevent this? Some sort of carrier or something that you can put that stops the buttons from getting pushed so easily??

I want to give this one to my husband to take to work since he has minimal use and get another one - hopefully under the promotion but if there isn't a solution to the button problem I'll have to go for the more expensive models.

August 7, 2008
1:56 pm

Most Nokia phones have a key combination that locks the keyboard. For the specifics, check the manual for your model phone (probably a 1600) or Google for the manual using the model number.

August 7, 2008
1:58 pm

Thanks, I'll check it out. Does that mean you have to lock it and then unlock it again when you want to make a call?

August 7, 2008
2:07 pm
Big Ang

There should be an option where the keypad automatically locks after a certain period of time (like a minute). Then, when you need to use it, you press the option key marked Unlock and then the * key (I think).

Sounds more complicated than it is in practice. It worked great back when I used a Nokia. Do it a couple of times and it becomes second nature.

Also, if you do that same thing (press the option key then the * key) it will lock the phone keypad without waiting.