WTS SO 1600 or PCan 1208 | Buy / Sell / Trade | Consumer forum

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WTS SO 1600 or PCan 1208
May 28, 2008
12:22 am

I want to buy 1 of those 2 phones just for the sim, afterwards looking to re-sell them for let's say 45$ (or OBO) each (since the 1600 will also cost 50$ with the june promo).
Anyone interested in buying either or? They are unlocked and can be used with any provider (well whoever have sim like DCI Telecom, Fido, Rogers + Europe or States). Plus of course they will be comming inside the box (well minus taking the sim out 🙂 ) with whatever else that thing comes with.
Please reply here or mail me at stalin_exe_xxx[at]yahoo[dot]com.