New info on the 'unlimited' data plan. Feb 2012 | 7-Eleven Rates and Plans | Consumer forum

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New info on the 'unlimited' data plan. Feb 2012
February 7, 2012
2:28 pm
Forum Posts: 224
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August 13, 2009
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Recently I lost my 5130 nokia cell phone, best cell phone I've ever owned It was tossable, scratchable, and I didn't care about it which is the best cell phone to have. It played videos downloaded from youtube, all my music, but my new Nokia N8 has threaded sms conversations. Time to move on.

After buying a new sim card (so great to not have to buy a new phone, especially since the 5130 has been the only good phone SO has ever sold), and getting the settings transferred and configured, the SO rep began telling me what I already knew;

That, for a short time, SO opened the taps and allowed data access to SO customers in order to test out the 'new' platform and to get useage statistics.

It's all in part to test the next stage of SO's platform of offering data.

It was a free gift for those in the know, they never advertised it. I'm surprised in reading other threads at how pissed off some people were. It's always good to read the terms of service.

Personally, I don't want Data, even with my new smart phone. It's still just an 'as needed' communication device. All the nice smartphone things are great, when I have a free wifi connection, which is basically almost everywhere I go.

February 7, 2012
3:08 pm
Ontario - using Android phone
Forum Posts: 78
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June 3, 2011
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Thanks for sharing that with us!
It would have been nice if SO themselves had told us what was going on instead of having us all guessing and spinning our wheels for 3 months!
Did they give any indication when this "new Platform" might be ready?

February 7, 2012
5:01 pm
Free Wifi Buddy
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February 7, 2012
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I can confirm that I had a very similar conversation regarding this as well. When I brought up the fact that they turned off the data......they offered me a $10.00 credit to my SO account. All you have to do is ask.....

I asked the SO rep when she thought that they new SO Data plan would be offered. She told me that she was not positive however it could be as soon as the weeks end.

February 7, 2012
8:10 pm
Forum Posts: 127
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August 31, 2009
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It would be sensible if they offered 100 MB of data (or even 250MB) for $10. That kinda matches Rogers and Telus. As it stands, the $10 WAP browsing package is like jumping back 10 years in time, except we can buy slurpees at the same time as our airtime.

I'm not pleased about this situation. I didn't expect unlimited data, but re-applying the proxy without warning will simply cause a backlash in forums.

I was one of many who signed up for the $10 UMB plan because people were reporting that it was no longer crippled — my usage has been well under 100 MB per month. I even purchased an inexpensive LG smartphone during Best Buy's boxing day sale so my wife could use it to check facebook while she's on the go.

They should have coordinated this professionally — perhaps with an email telling us that they were converting UMB to a low cost data plan with an X MB monthly cap. Without service interruption.

All they have done is annoy everyone who was actually using the service for something useful (because, honestly, http limited to port 80 is pointless).

Just clumsy customer service. Period.

February 7, 2012
9:40 pm
Forum Posts: 224
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August 13, 2009
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If one day, a bank machine was spitting out $50 dollar bills instead of $20's and you decided to buy a new wallet to hold your nifty new $50 dollar bills, and by the time you got to the bank machine, the ATM was no longer spitting out $50's, would you also scream at the bank asking to be reimbursed for your new wallet?

The bank would hardly advertise the fact that their bank machine was 'putting out' (for whatever reason they decided to put out in the first place) and neither would they advertise that all was well again.

They wouldn't advertise a 'service interruption' because all the bank promised you were $20 bills. NOTHING MORE.

If it hasn't been beaten to death already, here is the fact...

7-11 has officially announced ZILCH. Service reps will tell you as much as they can tell you.

You can't yell at someone for taking something away from you they never offered in the first place.

Just because you read about it on the internet doesn't mean you are entitled to it.

I wish people would just get that. Period.

February 8, 2012
5:16 am
Forum Posts: 16
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December 22, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well said

February 8, 2012
11:58 am
Forum Posts: 127
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August 31, 2009
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fefrie said:

If one day, a bank machine was spitting out $50 dollar bills instead of $20's and you decided to buy a new wallet to hold your nifty new $50 dollar bills, and by the time you got to the bank machine, the ATM was no longer spitting out $50's, would you also scream at the bank asking to be reimbursed for your new wallet?

I'm not sure if you're responding to me, but if so you misunderstand.

I don't expect unlimited data for $10/month. That's a ridiculous expectation. However, opening the service to data for a few months and then restricting it back to port 80 without warning is not going to earn a positive response from people using it, because it's overly restrictive (and let's be honest - anyone with a jailbroken Android handset can run a proxy app to pump data through port 80 and avoid the port limitations, anyway).

Rogers, Telus and others offer prepaid data plans from $10/month. Hopefully, SpeakOut can work out a deal to do the same.

February 8, 2012
6:38 pm
Forum Posts: 770
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December 30, 2010
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proxy only works for things(at the other end) which use 80/443 and tcp so you cannot avoid port restrictions unless you go the length of setting up VPN on the phone, which is no longer 'anyone' but requires quite some knowledge.

February 8, 2012
6:54 pm
Forum Posts: 43
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January 5, 2010
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fefrie said:

If one day, a bank machine was spitting out $50 dollar bills instead of $20's and you decided to buy a new wallet to hold your nifty new $50 dollar bills, and by the time you got to the bank machine, the ATM was no longer spitting out $50's, would you also scream at the bank asking to be reimbursed for your new wallet?

Not that I agree with the anger towards Speakout/PEtro/Rogers over this 3 month "test", I think there is some valid frustration if this "experiment" was on purpose.
I do have an issue that even though it was "more than what was promised" argument does hold merit, there is a level of deception if it was intended, doubly so around Christmas when MANY new phones/plans are activated and new users are coming on board with more then promised. I find that slightly unethical but not unexpected from Rogers.

With that said, back to the proxied access, I content with the value for service on my iPhone even thought the 'open period' was far better.

February 11, 2012
8:28 pm
Forum Posts: 33
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November 5, 2011
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Well looks like it's Auto Proxy time again, not gonna put up with the crippled Internet connection anymore. I tried, and just like before, it sucks.

February 11, 2012
10:19 pm
Forum Posts: 224
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August 13, 2009
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Way back when, the only advantage to Speakout. In fact, it's only main selling point was the fact that it had a 365 expiry date. In fact it was lagging all the other service providers in service, selection and rates.

In fact, it should, it is a third tier service provider.

$10 UMB is a third tier service. You all say telus, rogers, et al are sooo much better and that 711 should keep up. Well if it isn't clear to you yet, 711 is the bastard child of the prepaid phone market. It only gets scraps as Rogers allows.

I'm not sure if any other providers out there have UMB, but let's get this straight about 711 and prepaid plans.


If you want 'unlimited' or more access to data, don't bitch, SWITCH.

I checked out rogers, they have $10/100mb 40c/min 30 day expiry. It's either rip off rates, or thinly veiled $30/month plans.

If you are so upset about UMB and sneaky data tuning, then vote with your dollars, but I think you're asking the number one most reasonable service provider to be unreasonably better.

20c/min, 10c outgoing texts, 365 expiry, $10 UMB, it doesn't get any better. You want data? Sure you'll get it, but don't expect anything better than $10/100mb. You want to complain? Stop being a whiny little girl. If you think that you're being so put upon, then complain to the CRTC. Demand more competition in the wireless market.

You really hate SO and their dishonest practices? Switch to a different carrier. Carriers like Mobilicity and Wind. Hate their service? Then wait, it will only get better. This is exactly the same situation when Shaw and Telus started competing for Internet service. Sometimes Telus was bad, Sometimes Shaw was worse. Ten years on? Doesn't make a difference. They've filled all their service holes.

The same will happen with all the mobile carriers.

You want everything now and don't want to pay for it. Where was your outrage when LCD tv's were ten grand?

Louis CK was telling a story of when he was on an airplane and the stewardesses announced that they now offered in flight internet connections. Everybody clapped. 5 minutes later the internet went down, and the guy next to him was bitching. And CK thought to himself, really, why so angry about something that didn't work when five minutes before you didn't know it even existed.


You remind me of that homeless person that said he needed money because he was hungry. I offered him some bananas. Know what he said? "Green bananas! How do you expect me eat green bananas?"

You want to proxy and cheat the UMB?

Sure, go ahead, UMB will quickly go away since SO realizes that they can't stop abuse and you will quickly see charges for data rates that fall neatly in line with the other carriers.

And you'll never leave SO, because you'll quickly realize it's no better than any other carrier out there, oh except for the $25c/min and 365 expiry.

February 11, 2012
10:52 pm
Forum Posts: 770
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December 30, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Louis CK was telling a story of when he was on an airplane and the stewardesses announced that they now offered in flight internet connections. Everybody clapped. 5 minutes later the internet went down, and the guy next to him was bitching. And CK thought to himself, really, why so angry about something that didn't work when five minutes before you didn't know it even existed.



February 12, 2012
9:57 pm
mr deeds
Forum Posts: 43
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February 1, 2012
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The switch back has been a minor hiccup to me.

I am running the umb on my galaxy tab. I rooted it ran autoproxy and everything is great. The only thing it stopped for me was my mmorpg i played over the regular data connection before feb 1st.

February 15, 2012
6:07 am
Forum Posts: 64
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May 3, 2011
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Edit by admin: post removed due to offensive language

February 15, 2012
7:03 pm
mr deeds
Forum Posts: 43
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February 1, 2012
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Edit by admin: post removed as it has been duplicated in a few threads.

February 15, 2012
9:31 pm
Forum Posts: 639
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March 31, 2007
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Locking this thread as the discussion is no longer useful.

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