Incoming International Calls (Not North America) | 7-Eleven Rates and Plans | Consumer forum

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Incoming International Calls (Not North America)
March 15, 2008
11:35 am


Does anyone know the charge for incoming international calls from the Far East (Japan, Hong Kong, China)?

If they are using a calling card, then I assume it is like receiving a local incoming call? Is this correct?

Please advise.

Many Thanks,

March 17, 2008
12:19 am
Big Ang

When you receive a call, and you (and the cellphone) are in your local calling area, then the cost is the same regardless of where the call originates from. If your next-door neighbour calls you, it costs you 20cents/min. If your friend in the Far East calls you, it costs you 20cents/min.

The only time you pay long distance charges when you receive a call is when you (and your cellphone) are outside your local calling area. For example, if you have a Toronto-area cellphone, and you're on a trip to Vancouver when someone calls your Toronto number, then you're charged long distance charges. But that has nothing to do with where the call originated from.